Historia sukcesu

O Buchwic Concept Jewellery

Nasz rodzinna pracownia BUCHWIC znajduje się w Krakowie. Sebastian jest dyplomowanym Mistrzem Złotnictwa, ja jestem Etnologiem i dyplomowaną Projektantką Ubioru.
Oboje pokochaliśmy pracę w srebrze i złocie, nieustannie inspiruja nas te dwa metale. Niezwykła jest ich historia i wartość, nie tylko materialna, ale również sentymentalna.

Wkładamy serce w nasze projekty. Realizacje tworzone na zamówienie, dopasowane do klienta według naszej wizji, mają szansę łączyć pokolenia i być cenną pamiątką rodzinną. Jesteśmy oddani idei “zero waste”, z wielką radością realizujemy zamówienia z powierzonego metalu. Rozumiemy przejawy sentymentu do przedmiotów, które nosiły bliskie osoby.

Dużo podróżujemy z naszą biżuterią, uczestniczymy w targach i spotkaniach. Nasze ręcznie wykonywana kolekcja ze srebra jest sprzedawana w galeriach na całym świecie.

We love silver and even more gold and we are inspired by those materials because of its long history and value. We put our heart and commitment to our work and create objects that will remain when we pass.

Both of us are intrigued by the possibilities of new technology in making jewellery, but our sense of beauty and aesthetics never let us be influenced by modern technology followers. Our jewellery design is inspired by the world.

We also travel a lot with our jewellery, participate in the design fairs.

Our works, 100% hand crafted are being sold in Galleries all over the world.


We come from Cracow in Poland and we grew up in 80’s. Sebastian, as a child, was a little architect, a Lego blocks builder with no manual. In contrast, manual was always needed for me. These two ways are connected with our personalities and paths that we took.

Sebastian has Degree of Goldsmith Master and silver was his first love and is still close to his heart. I‘m a fashion designer, after graduation I was a clothes designer for 5 years. But I discovered that designing in fashion is changing day by day, is not durable and I prefer to create something that despite passage of time is still recognized as a piece of art. At school I had jewellery classes and silver craft became my second and last love.

The differences between us are still visible in our work. Sebastian is designing sitting at the workshop desk with no drawings or caressed details. Time for details comes always later, last but not the least. My designs start with paper and pencil in hand, creating shapes that appear on the horizon of my mind.


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